Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Kings Park [6000]

Welcome back to P6K - Tuesday January 1, 2008 marks the project's "official" launch after some quiet, below-the-radar activity in September 2007.

This Festive Season has been an absolute blinder for Marie and I with the majority of our time spent drinking and eating way too much.

During this time, we've also had Jeff and Anne, two North American (by the way of Sydney) friends stay at our place and joining in the festivities when not sightseeing.

On the way to dinner in Northbridge tonight, we took a detour through popular observation deck, Kings Park.

While there were many people enjoying a picnic and views of Perth from the elevated vantage point, there were signs of last night's festivities strewn about the place.

Being the adventurous soul that he is, Jeff fearlessly threw himself into the debris in the name of art and posterity. God bless you my friend!

Additional information: Botanic Gardens and Park Authority

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